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Boy playing violin large bronze statue – Size: 31″L x 31″W x 50″H.


This amazing and creative statue of a young boy playing his violin is exquisite. The sculpture is made with the creation of your imagination. His eyes are looking forward, jovially admiring his audience. The patina chosen for this Timeless Creation is a mix of hand finishing with different colors and Polychrome techniques also referred to as enameling over bronze. This is a beautiful bronze statue.Note: many customers are purchasing this statue with the two similar statues to form a set of 3 kids playing the violin, cello and flute (located in our online store) Size: 31″L x 31″W x 50″H. Weight is: 77Lb

Availability: 1 in stock

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SKU: Boyplayingviolinlargebronzesta2479 Categories: , , Tags: , , , , GTIN: 4069784602479
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