Bronco Buster Giant Bronze Statue – Size: 65″L x 52″W x 64″H.


This Gain size Remington inspired Bronze Statue of The Bronco Buster is the world’s most famous piece of American art. Frederic Remington presented it as a gift to President Theodore Roosevelt. The Broncho buster was one of Frederic Remington’s first bronze sculpture. It has since come to symbolize all that is triumphant and heroic of the American west. The Broncho buster reflects Remington’s attention to detail, along with his ingenious rendering of intense movement combined with a delicate sense of balance. This 100% Bronze and Fully Handmade, Carefully Detailed Sculpture was Cast Using the “Lost Wax Method” And Mounted on a Marble Base. Size: 65″L x 52″W x 64″H. Weight is: 260Lb

Availability: 1 in stock

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SKU: BroncoBusterGiantBronzeStatue-1503 Category: GTIN: 8609237221503
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