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Dolphin Jumping of The Water Bronze State Fountain Size: 23″ x 33″ x 60″H


Surprise your garden guests with this large size outdoor Bronze fountain Statue of a Dolphin jumping out of the water providing a show to its audience. The dolphin is equipped with a hose that sprays water out of its mouth with the use of a fountain pump (pump is not included). Produced using superior quality bronze and a traditional casting method. This bronze statue would look adorable in any space of the home of any ocean life lover. Size: 23″L x 33″W x 60″H. Weight is: 106Lb

Availability: 1 in stock

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SKU: DolphinJumpingofTheWaterBronze7733 Categories: , , , Tags: , , , , GTIN: 4069784607733
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