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Dolphin Trainer In Action Bronze Statue Fountain Life Size 19″ x 26″ x 74″H


This large bronze statue, fountain, reminds one of a scene from sea world show of a girl training a dolphin. She clearly has a special affinity for the animal, as evidenced by her gaze and smile. The bronze is cast in the Lost Wax method with patina colors. The statue is equipped with a hose that leads water from the dolphin mouth, with the use of a fountain pump (pump is not included). This is a special piece for any art or animal enthusiast. Size: 19″L x 26″W x 74″H. Weight is: 110Lb

Availability: 1 in stock

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SKU: DolphinTrainerInActionBronzeSt8128 Categories: , , Tags: , , , , GTIN: 8904380908128
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